Wednesday 17 April 2013


Numbers 14:24 - But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.

Caleb is an incredible example of faith and commitment to God. His wholehearted devotion towards God meant that God allowed only him and Joshua to enter into the ‘Promised Land’ from their generation. While everyone else rebelled against God Caleb held onto faith in the midst of a faithless generation. There is so much packed into this small verse that should inspire us to also be wholehearted in our generation.

1.       Caleb was God’s servant

Caleb did not serve himself he served God. He truly understood what Jesus said in the garden many years later to God, “not my will, but yours be done”. Many people serve themselves but God’s high calling for us is to serve Him and serve others. As we do that we ourselves will be blessed.

2.       Caleb had a different Spirit

God sets Caleb apart from the rest when He says that Caleb had a different spirit about him. Different means that something or someone does not conform to the standard or the norm; it can be positive or negative, and in this instance it is a very positive thing. While the rest of the Israelites subscribed to some sort of moderated faith where they would pick and choose their moments to have faith, Caleb did not. In His spirit he was confident and certain that what God said He would follow through with. This belief in all situations meant that Caleb’s faith set him apart from everyone else. While Caleb stood amongst a crowd of doubters, he still chose to believe in his God rather than popular opinion.

3.       Caleb followed God wholeheartedly

We all have a strong desire that our physical heart works and functions well. When it is working well we can do a lot of things. However if our hearts were to work at half capacity then we would find ourselves severely limited physically or in very big trouble health wise. So when we follow God in anything less than with our whole heart we can find that spiritually things don’t go so well. To be strong in the spirit is to follow God wholeheartedly by obeying Him in every area of our lives. Choose today to be like Caleb and be wholehearted in your commitment to God!

4.       He received the promise!

Caleb had such great faith and despite all the doubters around him and the very real obstacles he faced, he held on like his life depended upon it. He held on by faith until he saw it become a reality. When we follow God wholeheartedly and have faith in Him it not only pleases Him but He will come through!

5.       Caleb passed on an Inheritance

This wholehearted faith that Caleb had in God was not just about him. His great faith and devotion to God had an enormous impact on his family for generations. What an amazing legacy Caleb passed on to his family! He not only showed them how to serve God wholeheartedly but also passed on the land that he inherited. He passed on physical blessings but more importantly spiritual anointing and blessings.


Ask God to give you a ‘different spirit’ like Caleb and seek after God wholeheartedly and you will find Him moving in your life like never before!

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